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Identifier Title Type Subject
http://collection.selkirkmuseum.ca/admin/items/show/id/679By-Law # 3658By-Law By-Law # 3658
Subject: By-Law # 3658
Description:Storm Sewer - Main to Louise Bay.pdf
http://collection.selkirkmuseum.ca/admin/items/show/1918 By-Law # 5283By-Law By-Law # 5283
Subject: By-Law # 5283
Description:CAO Position
Image of Alexander MorrisImage of Alexander MorrisAlexander Morris
Subject:Alexander Morris
Description:an image of Alexander Morris
http://collection.selkirkmuseum.ca/items/show/901By- Law # 4433By- LawBy- Law # 4433
Type:By- Law
Subject:By- Law # 4433
Description:Zoning By- Law - Between Oliver and Park - East Side of Eveline Street
https://collection.selkirkmuseum.ca/admin/items/show/id/644By-Law # 3615By-LawBy-Law # 3615
Subject:By-Law # 3615
Description:Land Sales - Cromerty.pdf
http://collection.selkirkmuseum.ca/admin/items/edit/1477By-Law # 4889 By-lawBy-Law # 4889
Subject:By-Law # 4889
Description:Closing & Transfer of Public Lane - Albert Edward Makara & Darlene Jean Makara.
http://collection.selkirkmuseum.ca/admin/items/edit/1497By-Law # 4959By-lawBy-Law # 4959
Subject:By-Law # 4959
Description:Indemnities and Expenses for Members of Council for the Years 1999 and 2000
http://collection.selkirkmuseum.ca/admin/items/edit/1182By-Law - # 4714By-lawBy-Law - # 4714
Subject:By-Law - # 4714
Description:Creation of a Fire Equipment and Building Reserve Fund 1992-1996
http://collection.selkirkmuseum.ca/admin/items/edit/1490By-Law # 4938By-lawBy-Law # 4938
Subject:By-Law # 4938
Description:4938 Designate a Person as Head of Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
By-Law # 3546By-Law # 3546By-lawBy-Law # 3546
Subject:By-Law # 3546
Description:Opening Public Lane