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http://collection.selkirkmuseum.ca/admin/items/show/id/658 By-Law # 3634By-LawBy-Law # 3634
Subject:By-Law # 3634
Description:Purchase Lands - McLeod.pdf
http://collection.selkirkmuseum.ca/admin/items/show/id/660 By-Law # 3637By-LawBy-Law # 3637
Subject:By-Law # 3637
Description:Land Sales - Polenski.pdf
http://collection.selkirkmuseum.ca/admin/items/show/id/697 By-Law # 3679By-LawBy-Law # 3679
Subject:By-Law # 3679
Description:Appoint Election Officers - 1971.pdf
http://collection.selkirkmuseum.ca/admin/items/show/1918 By-Law # 5283By-Law By-Law # 5283
Subject: By-Law # 5283
Description:CAO Position
1886 City of Selkirk Council.1886 City of Selkirk Council.
1958 City of Selkirk Council.1958 City of Selkirk Council.
Beatrice GunterBeatrice Gunter
Beatrice Gunter ObituaryBeatrice Gunter Obituary World War 2
Subject:World War 2
Description:Resident of Selkirk who enlisted in the Canadian military during World War 2.
Blair GunterBlair Gunter
Blair Gunter ObituaryBlair Gunter ObituaryWorld War 2
Subject:World War 2
Description:Resident of Selkirk who enlisted in the Canadian military during World War 2.