Transit Opening | Transit Opening | Photo | The Opening of Selkirk Transit |
Type:Photo Subject:The Opening of Selkirk Transit |
Description:Transit Opening
Traders Bank | Traders Bank | | Traders Bank |
Subject:Traders Bank |
Description:An image of Traders Bank
Thomas Norquay | Thomas Norquay | | World War 2 |
Subject:World War 2 |
Description:Resident of Selkirk who enlisted in the Canadian military during World War 2.
Thomas Lafayette Rosser | Thomas Lafayette Rosser | | |
Stuart House | Stuart House | | |
Stefan Stephanson | Stefan Stephanson | | World War 2 |
Subject:World War 2 |
Description:Resident of Selkirk who enlisted in the Canadian military during World War 2
Smith House | Smith House | | Smith House on Vaughn Ave |
Subject:Smith House on Vaughn Ave |
Siggi Goodbrandson Obituary | Siggi Goodbrandson Obituary | | World War 2 |
Subject:World War 2 |
Description:Resident of Selkirk who enlisted in the Canadian military during World War 2.
Siggi Goodbrandson | Siggi Goodbrandson | | |
Description:Winnipeg Free Press
Selkirk Transit Drivers | Selkirk Transit Drivers | Photo | The Opening of Selkirk Transit |
Type:Photo Subject:The Opening of Selkirk Transit |
Description:Gerald Mayo, Roy Sveinson, Dean Bird